
06 October, 2010

Two Orchards

Greengage is a lovely fruit, a sort of plum.  But you don't see them sold very often, possibly because they don't store, transport and process well.

I planted five fruit trees, and the group is now called "The Orchard".  Five weeks later (02.10.10) the greengages are in flower.  Very pleasing when we get some greengages to eat.
New Greengage trees in flowers
But looking past the greengages you might notice a thin line of blossom in a neighbouring abandoned almond orchard.

Over there I find much more impressive blossom even though the trees have have had no attention or any irrigation at all for some years.  I have no idea of how old these trees might be. 

In the distance is the Dunstan mountains, with some snow patches still, although it will all be gone in a week or two.
Almond Orchard.  Dunstan Mountains behind. (02.10.2010)
Almond blossom

1 comment:

  1. The almond blossoms are beautiful! Good luck with your greengages. Will they make fruit this year?


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